MyPlate in Spanish

MyPlate Quiz
Are you making every bite count? Take the quiz to find out and get personalized resources to Start Simple with MyPlate.

MyPlate Plan
The MyPlate Plan shows your food group targets – what and how much to eat within your calorie allowance. Your food plan is personalized, based on your age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity level.

MyPlate Kitchen
The MyPlate Kitchen has recipes and resources to help you make healthy and economical meals. The MyPlate Kitchen includes recipes from the Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion (CNPP) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Tip sheets and more
The MyPlate website includes a number of print materials, available as downloadable PDFs. These materials are in the public domain and therefore no permission is needed to print, reproduce, or use them.

MyPlate graphics
The graphics page contains multiple versions of MyPlate in high-resolution and standard-resolution file formats.

MyPlate Partner materials
The MyPlate National Strategic Partners help spread the healthy eating messages of MyPlate and the Dietary Guidelines to consumer.