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What's on MyPlate

Get to Know MyPlate


MyPlate is a modern, customizable approach to healthy eating. It’s easy to use, based on science, and an overall great way to eat healthier, whether you eat from a plate, a bowl, or another way.

3 reasons you'll love MyPlate

MyPlate captures the latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans in a simple way that allows you to make the most of every bite. Here are the things we love most about MyPlate.

Phone outline with checkmark

Easy to use! MyPlate is available everywhere you go, by smartphone or computer

Icon with three people connected by a circle.

100% customizable to fit your preferences - so you can enjoy your favorite recipes AND eat the healthy foods you love

icon of a pencil over a piece of paper

Full of free tips and resources to help you prepare budget-friendly, healthy meals

Meet the MyPlate tools.

MyPlate’s symbol is a simple visual reminder to choose a variety of foods throughout the day. Use the MyPlate tools to put this guidance into action.

MyPlate Logo: Fruits, Grains, Vegetables, Protein and Dairy Scroll to the right or tap on the icons to learn more
MyPlate Quiz:

Are you making every bite count?

Take the quiz to find out and get personalized results and resources to help you eat healthier.

Take the Quiz Empiece la prueba   Laptop with example results of MyPlate Test results
Start Simple with MyPlate App:

Build healthy eating habits.

Pick daily food goals, see real-time progress, and earn fun badges along the way.

Download the App Phone with MyPlate App open, and smart watch with MyPlate Dashboard
MyPlate Plan:

Build a personalized eating plan.

The MyPlate Plan shows you what and how much to eat from each of the food groups based on your age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity level.

Get Your Plan    

Obtenga su plan de MiPlato  

Start Simple with MyPlate Plan screenshot

Shop Simple with MyPlate Tool:

Get budget-friendly shopping tips.

Find cost savings in your area and discover new ways to prepare budget-friendly foods.

Open Shop Simple Phone with MyPlate App open, and smart watch with MyPlate Dashboard
MyPlate Kitchen:

Find healthy and delicious recipes.

MyPlate Kitchen has recipes and resources to help build healthy, budget-friendly meals.

Start cooking today Encuentre una receta hoy Laptop open with MyPlate Recipe and meal
Food Group Quizzes:

What’s your food group IQ?

Take these quizzes to learn more about the food groups and find healthy ways to make every bite count.

Take the Quizzes MyPlate Quiz Question Example
MyPlate on Alexa:

Get MyPlate tips with Alexa.

Get MyPlate healthy eating tips on your Amazon Alexa device or on your smartphone or tablet.

Explore MyPlate on Alexa Amazon Alexa echo devices and smart phone

Meet the MyPlate Tools

Use just one or all together to help you make healthy food and beverage choices.

Get started with MyPlate...

MyPlate’s symbol is a simple visual reminder to choose a variety of foods throughout the day. Use the MyPlate tools to put this guidance into action.

MyPlate Logo: Fruits, Grains, Vegetables, Protein and Dairy

MyPlate Quiz:

Are you making every bite count?

Take the quiz to find out and get personalized results and resources to help you eat healthier.

Take the Quiz Empiece la prueba
Laptop with example results of MyPlate Test results

Start Simple with MyPlate App:

Build healthy eating habits.

Pick daily food goals, see real-time progress, and earn fun badges along the way.

Download the App
Phone with MyPlate App open, and smart watch with MyPlate Dashboard

MyPlate Plan:

Build a personalized eating plan.

The MyPlate Plan shows you what and how much to eat from each of the food groups based on your age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity level.

Get Your Plan Obtenga su plan de MiPlato

Start Simple with MyPlate Plan screenshot

Shop Simple with MyPlate Tool:

Get budget-friendly shopping tips.

Find cost savings in your area and discover new ways to prepare budget-friendly foods.

Open Shop Simple
Smart phone open with MyPlate app and laptop with MyPlate

...and continue your MyPlate journey.

Want to incorporate MyPlate into your daily life? These tools can help you build healthy habits, learn more about the food groups, and get personalized healthy eating tips.

Miscellanous plates of food

MyPlate Kitchen:

Find healthy and delicious recipes.

MyPlate Kitchen has recipes and resources to help build healthy, budget-friendly meals.

Start Cooking Today Encuentre una receta hoy
Laptop open with MyPlate Recipe and meal

Food Group Quizzes:

What’s your food group IQ?

Take these quizzes to learn more about the food groups and find healthy ways to make every bite count.

Take the Quizzes
MyPlate Quiz Question Example

MyPlate on Alexa:

Get MyPlate tips with Alexa.

Get MyPlate healthy eating tips on your Amazon Alexa device or on your smartphone or tablet.

Explore MyPlate on Alexa
Amazon Alexa echo devices and smart phone

MyPlate can help you save

With budget-friendly shopping tips and recipes, MyPlate helps you eat the foods you love without eating up your budget.

Ready to start saving? Click the link below to see how MyPlate can help you eat healthy on a budget.

Start Saving

From MyPlate to your plate, every plate tells a story.

People all over the country are finding simple, practical ways to eat healthier. Watch their stories to see how they make healthy choices that work for their budget, preferences, and dietary needs (and how you can too).

Meet Shelley:

“I think one of the most important things is just doing what works for you and your family.”

Watch Shelley's story

Meet Bryan and Keah:

“It’s important to teach them about balance at an early age so that it becomes a lifelong habit.”

Watch Bryan and Keah's story

Meet Rocio:

“Having [my kids] involved in the dinner process, to me, that's what's important.

Watch Rocio's story

Meet Carol and Brad:

“I put fruit out, and the kids eat it. It doesn’t need to be in a salad or anything fancy.”

Watch Carol and Brad's story

Meet Candice and James:

“If the set-up is there for you, then your split-second decisions are still good.”

Watch Candice and James' story

Meet Lilac and PJ:

“Every time I cook something, they say, "What are you doing, Grandma?" So I show them.

Watch Lilac and PJ's story

WhatsOnMyPlate badge

What story does your plate tell?

Share your meal with us on social media using #WhatsOnMyPlate

Are you a health or nutrition professional?

Calling all Nutrition Educators, Healthcare Professionals, Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, and others in the healthful eating space: these resources are just for you, to help you continue the incredible work you do within your communities. 

Spread the word on social media

We’ve made it easy to share MyPlate with your followers and network. This social media toolkit contains all the content and prompts you’ll need to educate and engage with your audience.

Social Media Toolkit

Read stories from community educators

Every day, health and nutrition professionals use MyPlate to make a difference. We've gathered some of their stories here and hope they'll inspire you to use MyPlate in your local community.

Stories from the Field

Incorporate colorful food images in your outreach

Browse our collection of food photography and download the images for use in your promotional, informational and educational efforts. Recipes may be available for some images. 

Photo Gallery

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