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MyPlate Plan Results

MyPlate Plan

MyPlate Plans are available in 9 different languages and have been culturally adapted to reflect the common foods of these cultures.

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Don't know which daily calorie level works for you? Get started with our MyPlate Calculator.

The MyPlate Plan* shows your food group targets – what and how much to eat within your calorie allowance.


Your food plan is personalized based on your age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity level.

Age Group Calorie Level
Ages 12-23 Mos.
700 800 900 1000
Ages 2-3 Yrs.
1000 1200 1400
Ages 4-8 Yrs.
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Ages 9-13 Yrs.
1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200
Ages 14+ Yrs.
1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200

Note: If you are on a mobile device, you may need to turn your phone to see the full table.


Talk with your health care provider about an eating pattern and physical activity program that is right for you.

*The MyPlate Plan calculator uses different formulas based on the user's age, and additional adjustment factors may be applied based on other user-entered information.

In general, for ages 12 months to 8 years the Dietary Reference Intakes (2002) are used. For ages 9-18 years, Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) formulas (2006) are used with factors applied based on Body Mass Index (BMI) percentile. For ages 19+, Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) formulas (2006) are used with factors applied based on calculated BMI. Calculations for women who are pregnant or lactating vary based on age and other factors.

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Shop Simple with MyPlate

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Alexa Speakers and Devices

MyPlate on Alexa

Get MyPlate nutrition tips on Amazon Alexa devices or the free Alexa app.

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Start Simple app on phone and watch

Start Simple with MyPlate App

Build healthy eating habits one goal at a time! Download the Start Simple with MyPlate app today.

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logo for the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

MyPlate.gov is based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025